“Economic autonomy for women at the bottom of the pyramid:
opportunities and challenges”
5th October 2017, 14pm – 20:30
Hotel Metropole,
Quai du Général-Guisan 34, 1204 Genève
Every year Giving Women organises a conference, which focusses on a significant topic in the journey for the empowerment of girls and women globally. This is in alignment with our vision of a world where girls and women have access to health, safety and equality.
This year we decided that it is time to take a critical and deep look at economic empowerment for women at the bottom of the pyramid, identify the best practices and understand the reasons for the slow progress of women up the economic ladder. We will discuss challenges and opportunities around enterprise development, vocational training, access to markets and financial inclusion globally, while also considering infrastructure, safety, healthcare and other less visible and more personal support these women may require to truly engage in income generation.
“Put simply: there is no one-size-fits-all solution for WEE. It also requires an acknowledgment that improving economic outcomes in a lasting way requires structural, not just material, change. Historically, many WEE efforts have focused on the latter, producing interventions disconnected from any larger effort to challenge economic and legal systems that are biased against the working poor, and especially women. For example, approaches to empowering working poor women have historically taken the form of “supply-side” interventions, like microfinance, financial literacy, and business development training.” Women’s Economic Empowerment – An Economic Pyramid Must Empower Working Poor Women
By Jenna Harvey – March 8, 2017