Giving Women 9th Annual Conference online
“Food: Women’s role in the struggle to save the world”
26th, 27th, 28th and 29th October 2020
We are pleased to share with you all the video recordings from our annual conference. There were several key messages and calls to action that came out of the conference that we want to highlight:
- Malnutrition affects 52% of the world’s population and is not only a global south issue
- For women rural farmers climate change, access to financial services, access to markets, access to technical knowledge, social norms and education affect their productivity and access to nutritious food
- In times of crisis girls and women are always the first to suffer
- Big business needs to put sustainability at the core fo their strategy
- There is much local wisdom which partnered with the knowledge of the next generation an be part of system change
- For real system change to happen all stakeholders must be aligned and each one of us as providers of food, consumers, investors and policymakers must put everyone’s right to nutritious food at the centre of our decision-making
Enjoy the videos and please go to the Attendify app to continue networking and the conversation. Also, don’t forget to fill in the evaluation form. As an incentive, we will hold a draw of all those who fill out the form and the winner will receive a Giving Women one year membership. If the winner is a man, you will win an exclusive lunch with our founder, Atalanti Moquette.
Videos from Giving Women’s 9th Annual Conference
26 OCTOBER 2020 @5PM CET
“The role of Big Business in System Change”
A Conversation with
Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of Global Alliance for Impact Nutrition GAIN
and Paul Polman, Founder of Imagine Foundation
Moderator: Atalanti Moquette, Founder of Giving Women
27 OCTOBER 2020 @5PM CET
Panel Discussion – The impact of climate change, environmental change and access to land rights on the lives of rural women
Moderator: Dr. Patricia Mupeta Muyamwa, Africa Indigenous Landscape Strategy Director, The Nature Conservancy
Trina Moyles, Journalist and Author, Women Who Dig
Dr. Musonda Mumbba, Chief of Terrestrial Ecosystmes, UNEP
29 OCTOBER 2020 – 09:30 to 17:00 CET
Opening Remarks
Atalanti Moquette, Founder, Giving Women
Setting the Stage
Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director, GAIN
Panel 1 – Malnutrition-Root Causes and Solutions
Moderator: Gitika Bhardwaj, Editor Chatham House and Trustee at Climate Outreach
Ines Burrus, Founder of Equal Profit and Burrus Development
Lauren Landis, Country Director, Kenya, United Nations World Food Programme
Caroline Wilkinson, ICRC
Panel 2 – What programmes boost nutritional value and provide sustainable livelihoods?
Moderator: Meagan Fallone, Director, Barefoot College
George Carivalis, Founder, Purpose Driven Capital
Jo Grace, Head of Hunger Reduction and Livelihoods, Save the Children
Mohamed Rezwan, Founder, Shidhulai-Bangladashi Boat Farms
Mariana Veauvy, Project Manager, Antenna Foundation
Panel 3 – What are the levers to activate widespread and sustainable access to improved nutrition for all?
Moderator: Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director, GAIN
Chantal Clément, Deputy Director of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)
Sabine Desczka, Research Coordinator Impact Investment, Wageningen Research
Dorit Kemter, Rurality Coordinator, Earthworm Foundation
Gisella Reina, Philanthropy and Partnerships Director, ActionAid
Panel 4 – Who is making the difference and how can we help?
Moderator: Ines Burrus, Founder Equal Profit and Burrus Development
Nadia Correa and Quentin Lematais, Founders, Plantons Utile
Elisa Dot Bach, Founder, DONA Coffee
Jan Isler, Founder, One Action
Rose Tam, Founder, Tomatoes Cameroon
Key Messages
H.E. Ms Doreen de Brum, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Marshall Islands of the UN
Closing Remarks
Barbara Wetsig-Lynam, Co-Chair, Giving Women


Gitika Bhardwaj
Editor at Chatham House and Trustee at Climate Outreach
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Gitika Bhardwaj works at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House where she edits content across several platforms and oversees the editorial management of a number of research projects.
She also interviews experts and has interviewed former Australia prime minister, Julia Gillard, and former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, as part of a series she has been editing focusing on women in international affairs.
Gitika is also on the Board of Trustees of Climate Outreach, a think-tank specializing in climate change communications, and mentors young people from diverse backgrounds with an interest in international affairs.

Ines Burrus
Founder, Equal Profit and Burrus Development
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Inès Burrus is the founder of Equal Profit and Burrus Development, two social enterprises aiming to improve farmers’ financial wellbeing.
She started her career in the Sustainable Agriculture department of Nestlé where she rolled out pilot projects in various coffee and cocoa origins. This was followed by an experience in Public Affairs managing global partnership at the corporate level. Sponsored by Nestlé, Nespresso and ECOM Agroindustrial, she then pursued a PhD programme at HEC Lausanne, Switzerland in the department of Strategy, Globalization and Society. Her research focuses on how to make farming attractive to youth.

George Carivalis
Founder, Purpose Driven Capital
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Chantal Clément
Deputy Director of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)
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Chantal Clément is Deputy Director of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food), with a mission to promote transition to sustainable food systems around the world. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Carleton University, where her research focused on municipal-level governance arrangements to support sustainable food systems in Canada and the EU. Chantal has over ten years’ experience in food system research and practice including governance methods for food system transition, local food systems, and community food security.

Nadia Correa
Plantons Utile, Senegal
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Nadia Correa. A 27 year old Swiss woman with a bachelor of Biology and a master in environmental sciences, specialized in climate change, governance and impact. She is currently working at the Geneva Industrial Services as a project assistant in energy efficiency. The focus of her work is to reduce the energy consumption of local actors. During her free time, she is active in Plantons Utile an NGO located in Senegal. It aims to plant valuable trees, using mostly sustainable energy as well as sustainable methods that support short circuits, local production and consumption, circular economy, respectful of the environment.

H.E. Doreen de Brum
Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the UN Offices for the Marshall Islands
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H.E. Doreen deBrum, the Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the UN Office and other International Organisations in Geneva arrived in her new posting in march 2019.
Prior to that, Ambassador deBrum held several responsibilities as a civil servant. She was Assistant Secretary to the Bureau of Multilateral Affairs and Trade of the Marshall Islands and Planning Advisor on Fisheries Policy at the Marshall Island Marine Resources Authority. During that time Ambassador deBrum developed her passion to conserve and preserve the environment, the ocean and its marine resources. She dedicated most of her time toward the conservation and sustainable resource management and biodiversity in the Marshall Islands as it faced increased pressure from fisheries, climate change, sea level rise, urbanization and loss of traditional subsistence lifestyle which had been central to the identity and well-being of the Marshallese people.
From 2010 to 2013 Ambassador deBrum was seconded to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce as a consultant to the FAO, to co-ordinate the food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in the Marshall Islands.
In addition to her professional career ambassador deBrum has been involved in improving pediatric health in Marshall Islands.

Sabine Desczka
Research Coordinator Impact Investment, Wageningen Research
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With the desire to make the world a better place, Sabine Desczka, works on international development policies, diversity and inclusion policies. Leading the Wageningen Economic Research Unit for International Policy for more than 3 years now, she strives to improve the value chain, food security and livelihoods. She is fully committed to bringing about systemic change through the Wageningen food systems approach.

Elisa Dot Bach
Founder, DONA Coffee
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Meagan Fallone
Director, Barefoot College and Chief Impact Officer at InnoTerra
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Meagan Fallone is an entrepreneur, a designer and a passionate mountaineer. Bringing these diverse talents together as the Director of Barefoot College International and Chief Impact Officer at InnoTerra, she exemplifies exceptional vision and commitment to social leadership while advocating for strong professional practices within a Social Innovation context.
Her commitment to empowering illiterate and semi literate rural women across the developing world through mastery of technology, unlocking rural girls creativity and confidence while leveraging the human potential embodied in poor rural communities; is an inspiring journey of risk taking and respect for the knowledge and skills innately existent within poor communities.

Jo Grace
Head of Hunger Reduction and Livelihoods, Save the Children
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Jo Grace leads the Hunger Reduction and Livelihoods Team at Save the Children, UK. Jo’s team is made up Food, Security, Livelihoods, Nutrition, and Social protection specialists that support the design and implementation of programmes and policy to prevent and treat child malnutrition and break the intergenerational transfer of poverty. Her and her team focus on are prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition, treatment of acute malnutrition, nutrition sensitive, shock responsive and child sensitive social protection, early warning/early action to food and nutrition crises, and 5. resilient livelihoods.
Jo has almost 20 years of international development experience. Prior to joining Save the Children in 2011 she spent more than 10 years in field-based programme design, management, and research roles, always with a strong food and nutrition security, livelihoods and gender. Her roles included Director of Programmes for the Aga Khan Foundation in Mozambique, leading multi-sectoral programming to reduce rates of stunting, and Team Leader for Rural Livelihoods research at the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) in Kabul focussing on ensuring rural development policy was based on the changing and gendered realities of rural livelihoods across the country.

Lawrence Haddad
Executive Director, GAIN
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Dr. Lawrence Haddad became GAIN’s Executive Director in October 2016. Prior to joining GAIN, he was the founding co-chair and lead author of the Global Nutrition Report (GNR).
From 2004-2014 Lawrence was the Director of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), the world’s leading development studies institute, and prior to that, he was a research Director at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). He was the UK’s representative on the Steering Committee of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the UN’s Committee on Food Security (CSF) from 2009-2010. He is an economist and completed his PhD in Food Research at Stanford University in 1988.
In 2018, Lawrence was awarded the World Food Prize for his: “relentless leadership and advocacy in mobilizing political will to make nutrition the focal point of development strategies.”

Jan Isler
Founder, One Action
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Jan Isler was born in Geneva to a Franco-Italian mother and a Swiss and Dutch father, Jan develops a taste of travel early on that will make him travel the world during his law studies in Geneva and his master’s degree in international law in Barcelona. After a quick passage in a law firm, he published a book inspired by a journey in India, the Himalayas and China. This experience reinforces his idea of going off the beaten path and leads him to found OneAction. Since then, he has worked to develop the various projects of the association and to involve more and more people in the adventure.

Dorit Kemter
Rurality Coordinator at Earthworm Foundation
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In the role of Rurality Coordinator, Dorit Kemter oversees and coordinates together with a global team the work of Earthworm Foundation (EF) on smallholder engagement in global supply chains, working closely with EF members and other partners at international and national level. From 2009 to 2018, Dorit Kemter worked with the International Labour Organization on various topics including green economy, SME development, and strategies to tackle child labour. Prior to this, she worked in the area or rural development and community participation in El Salvador. Her academic background is in environmental management and social sciences.

Lauren Landis
Country Director, Kenya, United Nations World Food Programme
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Ms. Landis has spent her career working in the field of relief and development. She began in 1985 working for OCHA (then UNDRO) in Geneva, Switzerland. She then took on assignments in Washington and in Africa working as a Disaster Operations Specialist and as an Emergency Operations Coordinator for the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance within the Agency for International Development.
In 1993, Ms. Landis turned her efforts to the NGO sector. From 1993 to 1995, she worked for InterAction, a coalition of U.S. based NGOs, as a Programme Officer. In 1995, Ms. Landis moved to Save the Children where she served for the next seven years in various assignments including Director of Humanitarian Response, and Director of the Food Security Unit. In 2002, Ms. Landis returned to the U.S Government to take up the position of Director of the Office of Food for Peace within the U.S. Agency for International Development. Subsequently, Ms. Landis transitioned to the U.S. Department of State in 2006, where she served as the Senior Representative on Sudan. Her returning to the UN in 2009, Ms. Landis served in Rome, Italy, for three years as Chief of Staff and Director of the Office of the Executive Director for the World Food Programme. Following that assignment, she became the Director of the World Food Programme Geneva Office, from 2011 until 2013.
From 2013 to 2016, Ms. Landis served as the WFP Country Representative and Director in Chad. In mid-2016, she returned to Rome, Italy to take up an appointment as WFP’s Director of Nutrition.
In March 2020, Ms. Landis was appointed Representative and Country Director for the WFP Kenya Country Office. She arrived in Nairobi on 30 August 2020.

Quentin Lemetais
Plantons Utile, Senegal
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After a Diploma DUT in marketing techniques, Lemetais has been working in the hotel business for 5 years. His area of interest gradually shifted toward sustainable development and Lemetais has gravitated to working at his fathers’ n innovative and sustainable NGO in south of Senegal. Inspired by his father’s passion exciting challenge. He is currently developing an ecological farm to improve local communities’ quality of life while supporting methods that are respectful of the environment and develop biodiversity as well as providing livelihoods. Innovation, knowledge transfer, collaboration, and entrepreneurship, are the pillars of our association.

Atalanti Moquette
Founder, Giving Women
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Atalanti Hadjipateras Moquette received a BA Hons. in Philosophy and Ancient Greek at King’s College London. She continued her postgraduate studies in Art History at the University of Toronto. Atalanit’s passions include education, art, philanthropy and women’s rights.
She started her career on the specialist side of Sotheby’s and has worked on education policy in Toronto and Geneva.
Her involvement in the field of philanthropy follows a family tradition began at the grassroots level, running a life skills programme in a shelter for battered women.
In 2009 Atalanti founded Giving Women, a network of diverse but like-minded women who pool their professional skills and experience to provide advice to strengthen projects directed at vulnerable girls and women globally.
Her interest in social impact investing started when she and her daughter, Elianna, established Step Up, to advise start-up social business and banks on questions of social impact and responsible investing. As a philanthropist Atalanti has held positions on various boards:
- Vice –President of the board of the International School of Geneva
- Vice – President of the board of the International Baccalaureate Organisation
- Founding member of the Executive Committee of Human Rights Watch, Geneva,
- Member of executive Committee of the Fondation Philanthropique Orthodoxe

Trina Moyles
Journalist and Author, Women Who Dig
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Over the past ten years, Moyles has worked intimately with rural organizations and communities in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, Canada, and East Africa on human rights and grassroots development projects. With an academic background in Cultural Anthropology and International Development, she focuses much of her research and writing on human rights education, food security, sustainable agriculture, and gender equality.
Her second book, a memoir, Lookout: Love, Solitude, and Searching for Wildfire in the Boreal Forest is forthcoming with Penguin Random House in May 2021.

Dr Musonda Mumbba
Chief of Terrestrial Ecosystems, UNEP
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Dr Patricia Mupeta Muyamwa
Africa Indigenous Landscape Strategy Director, The Nature Conservancy
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Paul Polman
Co-Founder, Imagine
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Paul is Co-founder and Chair of IMAGINE, a benefit corporation and foundation accelerating business leadership to achieve the Global Goals. He is also Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce, The B Team, Saïd Business School and The Valuable 500, and Vice-Chair of the U.N. Global Compact.
He was CEO of Unilever for a decade where he demonstrated that a long-term, multi-stakeholder model goes hand-in-hand with good financial performance. During his tenure, Unilever was one of the best-performing companies in its sector, delivering ten years of consistent top and bottom line growth.
Paul was appointed to the U.N. Secretary General’s High-level Panel that developed the Sustainable Development Goals and has played a leading role since in highlighting the business case for the 2030 development agenda, including as a founder member of the Business & Sustainable Development Commission. He remains a U.N.-appointed SDG Advocate.
Paul engages across industry sectors and global organisations to maximise impact, including as a member of FCLTGlobal, the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and the Food and Land Use Coalition, which he chairs. He has received numerous awards, including the Rainforest Alliance Lifetime Achievement Award, the U.N. Environment Programme’s Champion of the Earth Award and the Oslo Business for Peace Award.
He has been honoured with France’s Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, and was named an Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to business. He is a recipient of the Public Service Star from the Government of Singapore and received the Treaty of Nijmegen medal.
He founded the Kilimanjaro Blind Trust with Kim Polman, working to improve the lives of blind and visually impaired children in East Africa. He also supports and mentors’ young leaders as a Counsellor and Chair of the Global Advisory Board of One Young World.

Gisella Reina
Philanthropy & Partnership Director, ActionAid Switzerland
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Italian/Dutch/Swiss agro-economist who has dedicated all her working life to development and human rights causes and is passionate about gender issues. She joined ActionAid as Philanthropy and Partnership Director. ActionAid works for social and climate justice. Fighting abuse, prejudice and inequality that hold women back are fundamental steps in fighting poverty and food insecurity. At the core of ActionAid’s work is empowering women, help them getting access to land, education, knowledge, resources, ensuring their care work is recognized and shared so that they in turn will feed their families and take care of the planet.
Before joining ActionAid, Gisella worked for Oxfam, the International Commission of Jurists and Euronaid (an EU-NGO alliance on food and food security). Since 2016 Gisella is Chair of HURIDOCS, and board member of True Hero Films. She is an active Giving Women member since 2018.

Mohammed Rezwan
Founder, Shidhulai - Bangladeshi Boat
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Architect Mohammed Rezwan is the Founding Executive Director of the non-profit organization Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha and invented the ‘school-boat’ to ensure access to year-round and quality education in the flood-prone areas of Bangladesh. He developed, expanded, and sustained floating schools over 18 years. Now floating schools are in operation in eight countries.
Drawing on architectural expertise, he designed spaces on boats that successfully accommodated the need of a school, library, training, healthcare to playground. His “school-boat” idea was recognized by the United Nations Funds and Programs (UNICEF, UNEP and UNDP) as an innovation. He also invented the integrated floating farming (vegetable garden along with duck and fish raising on floating structure).
Rezwan’s floating school design was exhibited at the “Design with the other 90%” exhibitions, organized by Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum and Bill & Melinda Gates: Mohammed Rezwan’s floating schools design has been the recipient of many prizes globally.

Ruth Szabo
Chairwoman, Giving Women
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Ruth Szabo has been working with international not-for-profit organisations, including the United Nations and the World Health Organization, for 16 years. She is a lawyer currently working as an independent consultant advising on governance and human resources issues. She has been involved in a number of charitable initiatives, including with a Children’s Foundation in the Philippines.
Ruth joined Giving Women in 2011 and is coordinator of the Veerni Project Circle. She has also participated in other project circles and Giving Women events. Ruth holds a Bachelors degree in Law from the University of Southampton and a Masters in International Law from University College London (United Kingdom). Ruth was born in Iraq and grew up in London. She has also lived in Paris, New York and in Switzerland since 2005.

Rose Tam
Founder, Tomatoes Cameroon
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Rose Tam is the founder of Reso Collect, an NGO engaged in the fight against extreme poverty and the social reintegration of women and girls from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Douala, Cameroon.
She started her professional career as a sales agent in a company that manufactured paramedical equipment where she developed the client portfolio. She gained experience in sales techniques, negotiation and prospecting and finding new clients.
This experience enabled her to establish contacts and work at CERN in documentation. Subsequently, she spent about ten years in the cantonal administration as Information Manager, and then as Training Manager at Johnson & Johnson.

Mariana Veauvy
New Tech Manager, Antenna Foundation
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Barbara Westig-Lynam
Vice-Chairwoman, Giving Women
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Barbara Wetsig-Lynam has been an active Giving Women members since 2017 quickly becoming active in evaluating projects, educational workshops and the annual conference planning committee. In 2018 she joined the Executive Committee.
Barbara’s background is firmly rooted in philanthropy. Her twenty-year career was inspired by a two-year posting to a rural village in Ethiopia with the U.S. Peace Corps. From there she became a global humanitarian providing disaster relief and recovery primarily in Asia/Pacific and the Middle East. Working with diverse stakeholders in both the public and private sector, she became adept at designing projects addressing complex root causes and measuring for impact. Most recently she was designing engagement strategies for multinational companies as well as the largest global foundations at the World Economic Forum. She holds a degree in public policy from Duke University as well as an executive MBA from the University of Geneva.
In addition to her own philanthropic activities such as serving as a board member to local associations, Barbara now has her own practice accompanying private individuals and their families on their philanthropy journeys.

Caroline Wilkinson
Nutritionist at ICRC
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Caroline Wilkinson is a nutritionist with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Caroline graduated with a master’s in Human Nutrition and Metabolism from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Since then she has mainly specialized in Nutrition in Emergency and post-crisis situations across the world, working first with Action Contre la Faim, then UNHCR before joining the ICRC this year. She has particular interests in Infant and Young Child Feeding, Nutrition Surveys and Assessments, Anaemia and Micronutrient deficiencies and Multisectoral programming including the social determinants of malnutrition and linkages with Mental health and Psychosocial issues.